
Section 1:  Duties of the Board of Directors and Committees

All Committees shall have a Director to head them up.  Each year at the end of May, the choir shall be asked if there is interest in getting involved in a Committee.  If so, they should inquire.

If any Director hears of an issue, concern or complaint from a member, that member shall be informed to put their concern in writing to be addressed by the Board of Directors.

1.1  President

Call and preside at meetings of the Choir.

Conduct meetings in an orderly fashion following the order of business.

Be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.

In conjunction with the Board, may appoint choir members to handle additional responsibilities as required.

Appoint Constitution Review Committee in February, every two (2) years.

Co-ordinate review of Administration annually.

Perform any other duties as agreed upon by the Board.

1.2  Secretary

Record Minutes of meetings and prepare copies for Board members.

Make note of important discussions at choir practices and add to the next Board meeting Agenda if necessary.

Mail out card(s) to choir members who are away due to illness, or other reasons.

Preside at meetings in the absence of the President.

1.3  Treasurer

Keep accurate record of all receipts and disbursements throughout the fiscal year (August 1 to July 31).

Maintain a bank account for the choir’s funds with a co-signer(s).

Deposit all funds in a timely manner.

Confer with co-signer(s) for approval of all transactions.

Pay contracts, honourariums and accounts via cheque requiring a co-signer.

Members must submit a Fund Requisition Form for reimbursement of purchases.

Have books reviewed by the Financial Review Committee appointed annually.

Prepare an annual budget with input from Committees.  This budget must be approved by members at the AGM.

1.4  Librarian

Submit a Budget for the upcoming year to the Treasurer by the end of the fiscal year.

Adhere to copyright laws.

Register the members’ choir number on all music & distribute.

Maintain files of all music in storage.

Keep track of music copies in circulation.

Appoint an Assistant Librarian

Sub Committee:


  • Consisting of Librarian, Choir Director, Assistant Librarian and any other appointees by the Board of Directors.
  • Peruse available music and choose songs to be performed.
  • Advise Librarian of music required from files.
  • Pieces out of publication must be approved for copying.
  • Any copying must be completed in time for music distribution in September and January.
  • Proposed new music for purchase must be selected a minimum of three (3) months before it is required.
  • Music for the entire upcoming performance year may be selected in the previous June.
  • Any requests for new music must be within approved budget.
1.5  Membership Director

Sign up new members.

Collect and tally annual membership fee and monthly dues and donations from members

Deposit all tallied money collected and submit report to the Treasurer

Prepare an up-to-date membership list each season and forward to web site manager for inclusion in members section.

Prepare name tags for all choir members

Inform Contact Committee and Secretary of members missing two (2) or more practices

Sub-Committee (Non-Voting):

Social Convenor

  • Assist the Treasurer in preparing a Social Events budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
  • Organize Social Committee volunteers as needed for all choir performances and events following check list.
  • Responsible for informing the choir when the planned events will take place.
1.6  Public Relations Director

Submit a budget for the upcoming year to the Treasurer by the end of the fiscal year.

After approval of the Executive, shall;

  • Publicize upcoming event.
  • If possible, arrange to have an article/photo published in the local newspapers after the event to raise awareness of the activities of the choir.
  • Have all publicity submissions and posters proof-read and approved by the Board prior to circulation.
  • Whenever possible, submit copies of pertinent information to the Archivist for filing.

Sub-Committees (Non-Voting):


  • Shall be responsible for maintaining a file of past accomplishments of the choir, which may include newspaper clippings, photographs, concert programs, Minutes or member lists.

Contact Convenor

  • Call choir members who have missed two or more weeks of practice.
  • Relay pertinent information back to the Secretary.
  • Inform Secretary of choir members who should be sent greeting cards/cards of expression.

Sing-Out Convenor

  • Convenor to be a contact person for organizations such as nursing homes, retirement homes or other places to entertain.
  • Confirm bookings with the Choir Director and inform the choir of the booking dates.
  • Confirm that a suitable number of members will be available to perform.
  • Confirm the bookings with the organizations involved.
  • Forward any money received for singing to the Treasurer.
2.1  Choir Director (Non-Voting)

Direct and teach music as approved by the Music Committee.

Work with the Music Committee to select the music for the upcoming fiscal year in June.

Assist the Librarian in developing the music budget so that it may be given to the Treasurer by the end of July.

Ensure any music ordered is received and given to the Librarian a minimum of two weeks before the required distribution to members.

Supervise musicians.

Create practice tracks for members of each section to practise on their own time.

Be answerable to the Board.

Other duties as may be defined from time to time and are mutually agreeable between Director and Board.

2.2  Choir Members

Members must pay all dues as determined by the Board and approved by the membership at an AGM or Special Meeting.

Members must be at least 19 years of age.

Any issues, concerns or complaints from members must be put in writing and delivered to any Board member to be dealt with.  Hearsay and verbal comments will not be considered for discussion.

Members are required to abide by all policies, procedures and by laws of the choir.

All Members in good standing have the right to vote at the AGM.

Members not in good standing will be required to leave the Choir.